Thursday, July 21, 2011

Tb or not tb ... that is the question

Act 1 scene 1:  Rooms of the radiologist: (Happy elevator-type music plays)
Tinus had the first x-rays done – it seems ‘those Egyptians who read the x-rays’ were right.  He has a mark on one of his lungs, 1cm by 1.3cm.  The radiologist said it is not a typical tb scar. (Sigh of relief -maybe not – think about it)

Act 1 scene 2:  Rooms of the pulmonologist:  (Faster music – tension builds)
The doctor is skeptical, said typical tb scar or not – it could still be tb, blood drawn to do (one of several) tests for tb.  Results should be available on Friday.  Doc said even if tests shows negative it could still be tb.  The doctor requests last x-rays done in South Africa. (2007 AMI Pretoria)   Why – to compare, if he had this scar and it was the same size in 2007 – no problem, but if not (scary music) … what is it????

Mmmm … all of a sudden tb doesn’t look so bad.  I have said to Richard, our wise and witty friend of many years who by the way came up (unwittingly) with the title of this blog, that if there is something wrong with Tinus, I am glad, so glad that we found it out now.  If this is tb we know he has is AND IT CAN BE CURED … but what if it is that other scary thing …

Tinus is having scans done today.  Whatever the outcome I think the chances of us living in Dubai is very slim.  There is so much to think about – to plan and to worry about, but all I can think about now is how much I wish I could be with him. (Violin music, blogger exit stage left)


  1. Just got an sms from Tinus: "The good Dr says the thing still does not look like TB and he is going to send me to get a tissue sample taken out for testing, but says he recommends that I have it removed in total anyway, because whatever it is will have to be treated and holds long term risk of doing again what it did in the first place to look like that. First need to see the surgeon to find out if he can do it with a scope through a small hole or not.

  2. Hugz from Hopefield -
    thanks for keeping us updated - we are looking forward to sitting around a fire with the Olivier family again - You are in our thoughts x
