Yesterday on the way to Cape Town, to drop Tinus off at the airport to return to Dubai, I was struck once again by the incredible beauty of this valley of ours. Flowers everywhere; No one planted them, or watered them, there was no one to plan the layout or to prepare the soil. Yet we have the joy of miles and miles of fields of flowers. Every year is different and you never know what to expect.
Our conversation in the car circled around the flowers, the mysterious beauty of Table Mountain, the lovely time we had here, how lovely it was to see everyone again so soon, the weather, what type of aero planes operate in and out of the airport close to Atlantis and anything and everything, but our future. Both of us are apprehensive – to say the least - about the future. Our family and friends are all very excited and happy for us that “things are now getting back on track.” Neither of us feels that way yet. Having been swept through this valley of dread – even though we came out on the other side so well, knowing we are blessed - we are worried that, should we hit another obstacle, (I feel like saying, should we be hit by another obstacle) we may not have the energy to overcome it.
Tinus is fond of saying that the only way to ensure that you are not disappointed, is to have no expectations, you have to try and live your life without expectations; so that when things go right, it is a nice surprise and when it goes wrong you are not disappointed. This sounds cool and calm and collected, so strong and wise that it makes me feel like such a weakling. Because I have expectations.

What I do know is that if you invest money in something, you EXPECT a return. You put money into some fund – I always imagine a man with stripy pants and a really big bag - because you expect Stripy Pants to give you your money back at some point. But you also expect him to give you more money than what you put in. I don’t know what happens in the bag, that is why I don’t have a degree in money management. But if I were money minded enough to be let loose on the stock exchange (can you imagine that) I would not invest money in something I have no expectations of getting more money out of than what I’d put in, right?
So I have expectations, now finally, after thinking about it, without feeling stupid. I am going to expect everything to go well from now on. Happily Tinus arrived in Dubai this morning just after 4am South African time, 6am UAE time, and he had a good flight. On Friday we are starting our journey and I am looking forward to it! Oh yes, I have great expectations.
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